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Tetra 1.5-Gallon Plastic Cube Aquarium Starter Kit, Plastic
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Tetra 1.5-Gallon Plastic Cube Aquarium Starter Kit, Plastic

Product ID: 459469924
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Tetra 1.5-Gallon Cube Aquarium Starter Kit Raise happy, healthy fish with the Tetra Aquarium Cube Tank. It is the ideal solution for first-time fish owners. The 1.5-gallon tank is constructed from impact-resistant acrylic. It includes a whisper-quiet, air-powered, three-stage filtration system, as well as filter cartridges that are easy to replace to help keep the water fresh and clean. This cube fish tank provides a stylish way to display your exotic sea creatures with plenty of space to add colorful plastic plants and accessories. Other features include a low-volt 9-LED light that is adjustable using red and blue lenses. There's also an integrated drawer that provides additional storage space for your aquarium supplies. The cube aquarium is ideal for use in any room of your home, your office or a dorm room. Other size aquarium starter kits by Tetra are available (each sold separately). Tetra 1.5-Gallon Cube Aquarium Starter Kit Integrated drawer provides storage space for aquarium supplies Adjust light using blue and red lenses Low-voltage 9-LED Plastic light Easily replaceable filter cartridges Whisper air-powered 3-stage filtration Tetra aquarium cube tank constructed from impact-resistant acrylic Tank size: 1.5 gallons Shape: square Color: black Brand: Tetra Ideal for a first-time fish owner Suitable for most any room in your home, your office or a dorm room

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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