2008 White House Christmas Ornament, A Victorian Christmas Tree
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2008 White House Christmas Ornament, A Victorian Christmas Tree

Product ID: 37230071
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"We shall have an old-fashioned Christmas Tree for the grandchildren upstairs, and I shall be their Santa Claus myself." - President Benjamin Harrison. The 2008 White House Christmas ornament honors the administration of President Benjamin Harrison. Serving one term from 1889 to 1893, Harrison was a centennial president inaugurated 100 years after George Washington. Inspired by the Harrison family's Victorian Christmas tree, this 24-karat gold finished White House Christmas ornament for 2008 interprets the first recorded tree to decorate the White House. The tree, laden with baubles and garland, is a canvas for all sorts of treats and toys. Beneath the tree are the presents the Harrison grandchildren received: a toy train and a wooden sled await Benjamin, Mary's rosy-cheeked doll sits on a tricycle, and nearby is Marthena's much wished for dollhouse. A three-foot-high Santa Claus completes the season's spectacle.

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