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DJI Action 2 Dual-Screen Combo (32GB) WITHOUT Magnetic Protective Case, 4K Action Camera with Dual OLED Touchscreens, 155° FOV, Magnetic Attachments, Stabilization, Underwater Camera Ideal
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DJI Action 2 Dual-Screen Combo (32GB) WITHOUT Magnetic Protective Case, 4K Action Camera with Dual OLED Touchscreens, 155° FOV, Magnetic Attachments, Stabilization, Underwater Camera Ideal

Product ID: 371604396
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How can I control the rate of temperature increase while using DJI Action 2? When the DJI Action 2 is installed with the magnetic protective case, DJI Action 2 will now have a plastic heat-resistant material, and the temperature range are also broadened, which can greatly decrease the situation of recording interruptions due to overheating.Note1. Only the Action 2 camera unit is waterproof.The front touchscreen module and power module are not waterproof. It is recommended to use the DJI Action 2 Waterproof Case if you intend on using DJI Action 2 underwater for long periods (such as when diving) or under high water pressure conditions (such as when cliff diving). The DJI Action 2 Camera Unit and its Waterproof Case have an IP68 waterproof rating. Do not use the camera in hot springs or expose it to corrosive liquids. 2.When recording 4K/120fps, Action 2 will stop filming when the set Auto-Stop Rec Temp is reached. If set as Standard, 4K/120fps video can be recorded for around 3 minutes. If set to High, 4K/120fps video can be recorded for around 5 minutes. Using the DJI Action 2 Magnetic Protective Case helps reduce surface temperature to optimize video recording by increasing recording length under normal conditions. In countries and regions that support setting Auto-Stop Rec Temp as High, the recording time is about 10 minutes in an indoor environment of 25 °C with the protective case mounted.3.Maximum battery life was achieved when recording video at 1080p/30fps (Power Reserve mode) with electronic image stabilization disabled and under lab conditions.

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