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Ravensburger Rivers, Roads and Rails - Innovative Matching Game for Kids | Encourages Strategic Thinking | Award-Winning Design
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Ravensburger Rivers, Roads and Rails - Innovative Matching Game for Kids | Encourages Strategic Thinking | Award-Winning Design

Product ID: 3585959
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Product Description Step into the driver's seat with Ravensburger's Rivers, Roads & Rails. This innovative matching game encourages children to build an intricate transportation network where ships, cars and trains can move freely. Each card must connect perfectly to the next, providing the proper pathway for the vehicles to travel. Part of Ravensburger's Imagine - Play - Discover collection, Rivers, Roads & Rails is designed to entertain while providing unique learning features. The game can be played at a large table or on the floor, providing enough room for players to create colorful pathways for the tracks, roads and rivers. The first to use up all their cards wins! With two alternative play options, every game is different, offering endless replayability. As players draw cards turn by turn and connect them in various ways, they will develop strategic gaming techniques, enhance memory, boost creativity, and learn patience. Each game is a new opportunity to discuss real transportation modes they've seen and apply that knowledge to their own education and improved social interaction. The game includes 140 illustrated scenery cards and 1 set of instructions. From the Manufacturer An ever-changing matching game. Build a world of rivers, roads and rails. Each card has to connect perfectly to the next to create an intricate network of transportation. Plan ahead, form pathways and be the first to use up all your cards to win the game. Includes three different game variations.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago

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