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Decolletage Skin Brightening Mask
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Decolletage Skin Brightening Mask

Product ID: 293931703
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Decolletage mask is the tan control mask for the décolletage. For those of you wondering what is décolletage? It is the area on our body comprising of the upper chest and neck. The décolletage bears the maximum effect of tan and develops tan boundaries. How to Use? Cleanse the area thoroughly with Decolletage Scrub and wash off. Now apply the Decolletage Mask evenly on the entire décolletage. Make sure to apply a thick layer so that the ingredients get enough time to seep into the skin. Wash off the mask once it is dry. Now, apply the Ecovani Decolletage Cream with SPF15 to get the best results. Why Decolletage Mask? The mask for the décolletage has to be specific to the décolletage skin as it faces the maximum brunt of the sharp summer sun. What it Has? The mask is made out of Cucumber seed ext, Cutch tree, Kokum butter, Sweet almond oil amongst many other highly effective and beneficial products. Benefits of Decolletage Mask? Helps to merge tanning lines, effective for enhancing skin health, controls skin damage What it Does? The ingredients of the mask penetrate deep into the skin and nourish the skin cells to make them healthy and remove the tan effect. Is it Safe? The Ecovani Products are made from all-natural ingredients and are totally safe to use. No chemical has been used in the Ecovani Products.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

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