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Pink Hibiscus Rose of Sharon Syriacus - Shrub Althea Flower - Height 12 inch for Yards and Garden Decoration
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Pink Hibiscus Rose of Sharon Syriacus - Shrub Althea Flower - Height 12 inch for Yards and Garden Decoration

Product ID: 516992655
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🌺Each package contains 1 fresh Pink Hisbiscus Rose of Sharon Syriacus. When you receive the tree, please take it out and soak it in water for 3-5 hours before planting. 🌺Hibiscus hibiscus grows very fast. It is usually planted in streets, parks, courtyards and other places. Now, many flower friends cultivate it in pots. Hibiscus has a large amount of flowers. The flowering period is from June to September. When it is in full bloom, it is of great ornamental value and is loved by many people. 🌺Hibiscus hibiscus likes warm, moist and sunny environment. It is not picky about the soil. Potted plants can use loose, fertile, breathable and slightly acid soil. It is resistant to drought and half shade, and is afraid of water accumulation and cold in the soil. The suitable temperature for its growth is 15-28 degrees. Land plants in the south do not leave leaves all year round, while leaves in the north will sprout in the coming year in the cold winter 🌺Hibiscus can be planted in pot or in the ground. When planted in the ground, it can be directly planted in the garden soil and grow into a flower tree. The shape of the pot can be controlled by pruning. The pot soil can be loose and fertile soil. The garden soil can be mixed with peat, compost and perlite. Hibiscus has strong adaptability and low requirements for pot soil. 🌺Hibiscus hibiscus symbolizes gentle persistence, tenacity, eternity, beauty, endless, simple and eternal life. The flowers of Hibiscus hibiscus open with the rising of the sun and close with the setting of the sun every day. It is like a person who identifies the goal and keeps striving. People who are close to the goal are suitable to give Hibiscus to friends. I hope that the other party will not give up easily and stick to it when encountering difficulties

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